Monday, February 18, 2008

5 days and counting

So this is the beginning of my last week at Clarke and how are we spending it? Well it just so happens that it is Presidents Day and we are going sledding at the Pugh home. Obviously we'll post pix as soon as we can. We're all a little nervous about how this whole new life will pan out, but we're even more excited about it. One of the things that I look forward to is having the mornings with the family. I love having breakfast with Remski. She is just so entertaining and stresses us out as she eats her cereal. She'll load up a spoonful and get just a bit distracted which means that her spoon tips ever so slightly and most of the milk/cereal end up on her or the table or the floor. She doesn't seem to notice as she puts what's left of the spoonful in her mouth.

We are also at the 50 days till delivery date... We can hardly wait for him to show up! On another note, Grandmere sent Rem the cutest dress for Valentines. See attached pic/video. It gets a little dark, but hopefully you can still see it.


Marianne said...

Jeff- Congrats on the end of the Clarke Era. I am so excited for you. I know that you will do great in your painting. Julia looks fabulous for only having 50 days left. I couldn't remember what you had told me you would name a baby boy, but now that I see Benton, I do remember that from conversations that we had in the morning at Clarke. Remlee is very cute, she is turning into quite the big girl. It's amazing how fast time goes. Very cute family!!

ice_cream said...

how sweet your child