Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rem and Lucy

It just so happens that one of Rems favorite reasons to go to church is to see Lucy. She'll spew out a slew of words when asked if she wants to go to church. She'll repeat "church" and then "peterperryluciesjohn?" Somewhere in that one word of people she knows is Lucy. It is just so fun to see them together. One of their favorite activities has been to climb in the crib and pretend to go "nigh nigh". They close their eyes for all of 1.5 seconds before they jump up and start to bounce. You've gotta love 'em.

1 comment:

Rochelle said... long have you had a blog? I am adding you to my blog roll because you guys are just way to cool NOT to be on there! I can't believe how big your little girl is getting! What a cutie. Julia how are you feeling?